After speaking with Soly, Tron, Randy, and myself individually in late June and early July, freelance writer Dillon Friday published a profile on the genesis and growth of No Laying Up for I enjoyed my conversation with Dillon and discussing with him the origins of the NLU ‘tweet machine,’ the blog, our favorite phrases (read: #Ejected, #LPCP), and famous concepts (#TourSauce, #PrayForTedScott). Dillon’s piece highlights the unique voice and skills each founder has brought to No Laying Up and the passion all four of us have for the sport of golf and No Laying Up’s ethos two plus years since inception. The results of this collective effort have me excited about what the future holds for No Laying Up as we continue investing our time and energy into creating content and merchandise for this #SmallShop (and yes, that future includes more hats and actual ‘golf’ apparel in the NLU Pro Shop…).

I know I speak for the rest of the gang when I say thank you to Dillon for taking the time to profile No Laying Up and supporting our efforts to make golf and golf spectating more enjoyable and less stuffy. You can follow Dillon Friday on Twitter here and his ongoing reporting for USGolfTV here.

The homies at even hooked up some profile cards of the founding foursome below. If you have any questions for NLU or just want to make fun of our pictures wearing NLU gear in exotic locations, leave a comment below or email us at

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Thank you for the support.